Perennial Pastures

Perennial Seed Blends

Persistent & Palatable.

Pasture is our passion! We select our seed varieties through rigorous trials and research with our suppliers, mixing the perfect blend to suit your situation, based on region, rainfall, operation and soil type. Mixed on site, we have a wide range of perennial seed blends in stock as well as the option to customise. 

Hills BASE, Ryegrass & Clovers Blend

Includes early & mid varieties which can handle shorter seasons in regions still suited to perennial ryegrass. Offers good winter & early spring yield in particular with persistence under drier conditions and heavy grazing being a key selection trait. Clovers contain a blend of RLEM tolerant varieties, heavy seeders with good percentage of hard seed and growth curves that match the ryegrasses selected. 

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Hills BASE, Ryegrass, Cocksfoot, Phalaris & Clovers Blend

Incorporate a multi species grass approach where more than one species is required to establish a good perennial pasture over the entire paddock. This blend is well suited to paddocks with varying aspects and soil types and where rainfall may limit the potential to establish a long term pure perennial ryegrass pasture. Clovers contain a blend of RLEM tolerant varieties, heavy seeders with good percentage of hard seed and growth curves that match the grasses selected. 

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Hills ENDURE Blend

Deep rooted perennials with a mix of winter & summer active varieties to take advantage of any rainfall year round, yet last multiple seasons. Persists right through, yet strong production, these are pastures that only get better over time as the plants become fully established. A blend of legumes that provide RLEM tolerance, production and persistence over a wide range of soil types and environments.

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Hills Tuff Stuff Blend

A winter active blend designed to be tough with hardy species. Strong summer dormancy, a variety of legumes and the ability to withstand false breaks and early finishes are key considerations with this blend. 

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Hills Premium Ryegrass & Clovers Blend

Base AR37 has been the one of the top performing ryegrass across all seasons, many regions repeatedly, under independent trials. Ideal for deep soils with high rainfall and/or irrigation, this is our year round perennial blend that offers the highest quality and total yield under well managed systems 

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Hills Short Season Blend

A tough blend that persists in lower rainfall regions still suited to the establishment of perennial grasses. Legumes are a key to this blend, providing valuable nitrogen to support the grasses along with boosting overall sward palatability (and hence utilisation) and forage quality. Summer dormancy and hard seededness are two characteristics that make this blend what it is. 

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Hills Legume Salt Survivor Blend

This is a unique blend of 4 legumes recognised to tolerate mild to moderate levels of salinity. Capable of turning around low productivity areas into quality feed for grazing year on year. Different species will often dominate different parts of a paddock with the good coverage overall across the entire paddock as a result. 

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Hills Ryegrass & Clover Oversow Blend

Sometimes pastures need rejuvenating rather than renovating where perennial plant numbers are on the decline but a full renovation is not yet required. The selection of ryegrasses are based on good seedling vigour, the ability to compete with any annuals that may emerge at the start of the season and capable of extending the life of a pasture by 2-3 years. 

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